Dogs bring people together! The social benefits of having a dog can’t be overstated. It’s never alone when the dog is home! They are social by nature –think about it, how many friends have you met because of your dog? Dogs encourage us to get out and do — and ENJOY!


I love the PawsGo community! It is so fun to connect with other animal lovers, and see where everyone’s paws are going. Our dogs didn’t lobby to come live with us, we chose to bring them into our family – so it would be unfair to treat them like an inconvenience! We start and end each day with walks, and love our adventures!

Anne – Frisco, Texas

Being a part of the PawsGo community means that, even on days when I may lack motivation, I’m inspired to keep moving.

Sarah - Oshkosh, Wisconsin

PawsGo, thanks for building such a fun place for women and our dogs!

Daniela - Alexandria, VA

With a ‘Get up and go’ philosophy, PawsGo has been instrumental in motivating me to get up and go for a walk with my dogs and teaching me about the health benefits in doing it.

Nicole - Thomaston, Connecticut


Another Good Dog — Adventures in Fostering

The most common reason that people voice for why they don’t foster is that they don’t think they could give the dog away.
I don’t give any of my dogs away. I help them find their forever family. Instead of sadness, this is cause for celebration. I believe there is a home out there for every dog and my job as a foster is to help prepare the dog in my care for that home.

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A Tail of Two Dog Friendly California Cities

We woke up early Saturday and as we were perusing Facebook with coffee - we came across some information that changed our plans for the day. Jessi and I live outside of downtown Sacramento, just a quick 10-minute drive to central downtown or a five-minute walk to the...

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Halloween Costumes for Dogs – Trick or Treat?

If you’re anything like me, autumn brings excitement for crisp, cool weather, cozy sweaters and pumpkin flavored everything. If you’re like my husband, you are concerned about your Halloween costume at the first sign of the foliage turning orange. This is our first...

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Serving Others as a Therapy Dog — What’s Involved?

About a year ago, I started to contemplate something new to do with my 10-year-old lab mix, Juno. She, my husband, and I enjoy our walks as a pack, as well as traveling when we are not all together in our office at “work.” While I continue building my business, I...

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The Aussie Meetup

Boomer, my little tank “Don’t roll the Pug down the hill!”  It was that frequent refrain that lead me to create a “play group” for our Australian Shepherd, Boomer. Boomer is a tank. He’s an adorable and loving tank.  He LOVES to run and he’s a “ruff” and tumble dog...

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