Saving Dogs That Many Have Forgotten
The number of good dogs dying in our shelters and the conditions they are held in are simply not acceptable. So many dogs (and cats) are dying because there is not space or time or money to save them. These are good dogs (and cats) who deserve a chance. Cara was very quick to defend the individuals she met who work in the shelters – they are NOT the villains. They are animal loving people who are put in an impossible situation and are doing all they can with much too little.
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Another Good Dog — Adventures in Fostering
The most common reason that people voice for why they don’t foster is that they don’t think they could give the dog away.
I don’t give any of my dogs away. I help them find their forever family. Instead of sadness, this is cause for celebration. I believe there is a home out there for every dog and my job as a foster is to help prepare the dog in my care for that home.

Post-Op Pup
Yes, the vet said. It looked as though Tessie had chewed on a wire cage in the past, causing a great deal of damage. She offered additional details, but I wasn’t listening. My heart was crushed by the thought of Tessie’s sad eyes penned up by some monster. Then I remembered her strong will and hoped she just didn’t like being crate-trained as a puppy (hey, denial is more than a river in Egypt). I told the vet she could proceed with the full extraction.
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The Long Good Bye
This is likely our last week with sweet sweet Kacey. The reality of writing this makes me nauseous and takes my breath away. It’s a reality that I’ve been dreading since hearing her diagnosis on a cold December afternoon. Cancer. She might make it to Christmas, but New Year’s wasn’t at all likely.
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Dog Yoga — Giving New Meaning to Downward Dog!
Just like us, our pets get stiff too. By keeping your pets joints moving in a healthy manor you move the old synovial fluid out and allow new fluid to move in. Certain Dog Yoga poses promote natural movement and encourage self stretching for long lasting results.
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Girl Meets Dog — Love Grows and the Relationship Evolves — Behavior and Health Challenges
But this isn’t just any dog. It’s Tessie. And how could I have been so heartless to not see a dog as someone’s family member before? I’m not sitting on a pile of money, but we can make it work. What about the family who doesn’t have an option?
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How to Choose a Dog Walker
Pet parents know that our pets are just like family, and choosing a dog walker with whom you can entrust their well-being is not something to rush into! Just like you’d take your time to select a babysitter for your human children, careful consideration goes into selecting who will care for your pets.
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A Very Happy Anniversary!
I’m marking the one year anniversary of Tessie’s official adoption with some reflection. If you haven’t followed our story from the beginning, I was reluctant to get a dog for all the excuses one could possibly manufacture, yet my husband Adam persisted. Whether it...
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The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog a Raw Diet
Raw meals are fresher, cleaner and even less ingredients than canned and as quality goes, the next best thing to making the food yourself… “Make it myself?” Yes, and it’s easier than you think!
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A Tail of Two Dog Friendly California Cities
We woke up early Saturday and as we were perusing Facebook with coffee - we came across some information that changed our plans for the day. Jessi and I live outside of downtown Sacramento, just a quick 10-minute drive to central downtown or a five-minute walk to the...
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